
Madam C.J. Walker Hair care

 The products that launched Madam C.J. Walker to treasure and prominence  were birthed, like most great inventions, out of personal necessity. During her era, and for the many years prior in the antebellum era in America, black women were not allowed to tend to their hair. Furthermore, as was common occurrence of most black women, Walker suffered from serve dandruff, scalp bleeding and flaking, pre-mature balding, and excessive pain due in part to the applications of harsh products and perms. Especially that of lye, which is a highly corrosive chemical compound that creates a strong alkaline solution when dissolved in water.These stressors were then amplified by the deprived conditions of poverty, illness, and long manual work hours black women had to endure. Irregular bathing schedules and hair washings were common place in a country and era that lacked indoor plumbing, heated water, and electricity. Here products were revolutionary. As this was the first time products were publicly and commercially sold that were for the use of preserving black hair in its natural state.

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